Born September 2 at the Rocky View Hospital he is the second child for Michael born just 9 months before the separation
of his parents. He was 19.5" in length and 7lbs 14oz in weight.
He is a polar opposite to his brother in almost every
way. They do make a very good compliment to each other and seem to do everything better as a pair!
At 2 months he
discovered his first word and it's meaning! Boob! He said that to mom and then checked out her chest and licked his lips.
It is something that his mother has yet to be willing to accept as his first word but when a child knows what it means and
says it clearly I call that his official first word! He has come to have the nicknames of:
-Monkey as he continually jumps bounces and climbs everything.
-Thumper as when he was still using his bouncy, along with everything else, he always had the right leg bouncing and kicking.
-And combined with his brother they have become known as Dad's little Rogues! Kinda self explanatory for anyone that has
met them!.
