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Mostly Neutral Bases; Law Abiding Owners; Outlaw Bases.

System Bering

System Hamburg
 Name  Faction  Name  Faction
 Freeport 2  Zoners  Alster Shipyard  Republican
 Pacifica Base  Unioners  Altona Station  Republican
System California  Battleship Westfalen  Military
 Alcatraz Depot  Rogues  Lubeck Border Station  Police
 Battleship Yukon  Navy  Planet Hamburg  Police
 Planet California Minor  Planetform  Vierlande Prison  Police
 Planet Los Angeles  Police System Hokkaido
 San Diego Border Station  Police  Ainu Depot  GC
 Willard Research Station  Navy  Battleship Matsumoto  Naval Forces
System Cambridge  Chugoku Gate Construction Site  DSE
 Battleship Norfolk  Armed Forces  Sapporo Station  Police
 Cambridge Research Station  Cryer System Honshu
 Cardiff Mining Facility  IMG  Akita Border Station  Police
 Planet Cambridge  Police  Aomori Station  GMG
System Chugoku  Kansai Research Station  Naval Forces
 Kyoto Base  Dragons  Osaka Storage Facility  Samura
System Colorado  Planet Honshu  Police
 Battleship Rio Grande  Navy  Yukawa Shipyard  Kishiro
 Ouray Base  Xenos System Hudson
 Planet Denver  Police  Barrow Base  Xenos
 Pueblo Station  Ageira  Dawson Base  Rogues
System Cortez System Kepler
 Montezuma Base  Rogues  Ames Research Station  Zoners
 Planet Curacao  Spa and Cruise  Nome Base  Xenos
System Dresden System Kyushu
 Bautzen Station  Kruger  Battleship Nagumo  Naval Forces
 Leipzig Station  Daumann  Kagoshima Depot  Alliance
 Pirna Border Station  Police  Nansei Research Station  Naval Forces
 Vogtland Base  Hessians  Planet Kyushu  Police
System Dublin  Tsushima Depot  Samura
 Arranmore Base  Mollys System Leeds
 Battleship Essex  Armed Forces  Battleship York  Armed Forces
 Battleship Hood  IMG  Durham Border Station  Police
 Graves Station  BMM  Glasgow Outpost  Bowex
System Edinburgh  LD-14  BMM
 Aberdeen Border Station  Police  Planet Leeds  Police
 Islay Base  Gaians  Stokes Mining Station  BMM
 Luxury Liner Shetland  Spa and Cruise System Magellan
 Perth Station  Planetform  Freeport 4  IMG
System Frankfurt Mactan Base  Hackers
 Bruchsal Base  Bundschuh System Manchester
 Fulda Border Station  Police  Birmingham Station  BMM
 Mainz Storage Facility  Republican  BPA Newgate  Police
 Mannheim Station  Kruger  Kingstone Border Station  Police
 Planet Holstein  Daumann  Liverpool Border Station  Police
System Galileo  Sheffield Station  Bounty Hunter
 Leiden Base  Hackers
 Padua Base  Rogues
System New Berlin System Omicron Alpha
 Bonn Station  Interspace  Planet Malta  Outcasts
 Brandenburg Border Station  Police System Omicron Beta
 Dortmund Station  ALG  Ruiz Base  Outcasts
 Essen Station  Kruger System Omicron Gamma
 Kreuzberg Depot  Junkers  Planet Crete  Corsairs
 Oder Shipyard  Military  Tripoli Shipyard  Corsairs
 Planet New Berlin  Police System Omicron Theta
 The Ring  Daumann  Freeport 9  Zoners
System New London System Shikoku
 Battleship Suffolk  Armed Forces  Battleship Myoko  Naval Forces
 Canterbury Station  Planetform  Deshima Station  Bounty Hunter
 Kensington Shipping Platform  Gateway  Fuchu Prison  Police
 Planet New London  Police  Ohashi Border Station  Police
 Southampton Shipyard  BMM  Planet Junyo  Samura
 Thames Outpost  BMM System Sigma-13
 Trafalgar Base  Junkers  Gas Miner Naha  GMG
 Waterloo Station  Interspace  Helgoland Station  ALG
System New Tokyo  Yanagi Depot  Junkers
 Kabukicho Depot  Hogosha System Sigma-17
 Narita Outpost  Police  Atka Research Station  Cryer
 Planet New Tokyo  Police  Planet Kurile  Samura
 Roppongi Station  Interspace System Sigma-19
 Shinagawa Station  Kishiro  Gas Miner Ogashawa  GMG
 Shinjuku Station  Samura  Luxury Liner Hawaii  Spa and Cruise
 Yokohama Shipyard  Samura System Stuttgart
System New York  Darmstadt Depot  LWB
 Baltimore Shipyard  DSE  Freiburg Station  Republican
 Battleship Missouri  Navy  Konstanz Border Station  Police
 Buffalo Base  Rogues  Planet Baden-Baden  Spa and Cruise
 Detroit Munitions  Ageira  Planet Stuttgart  Police
 Fort Bush  Police  Ulm Border Station  Police
 Newark Station  Interspace System Tau-23
 Norfolk Shipyard  Navy  Cali Base  Outcasts
 Planet Manhattan  Police  Java Station  IMG
 Planet Pittsburgh  DSE  Tau-31 Gate Construction Site  BMM
 Rochester Base  Junkers System Tau-29
 Trenton Outpost  Universal  Freeport 6  Zoners
 West Point Military Academy  Navy  Nago Station  Kishiro
System Omega-7  Shinkaku Station  Samura
 Briesen Mining Facility  Daumann System Tau-31
 Elbich Mining Facility  Kruger  Holman Outpost  IMG
 Friestadt Outpost  IMG  Planet Harris  Planetform
System Omega-11 System Tau-37  
 Freital Base  Hessians  Falkland Base  IMG
 Solarius Station  Daumann  Freeport 10  Zoners
System Omega-3 System Texas  
 Douglas Station  BMM  Battleship Mississippi  Navy
 Freeport 1  Zoners  Beaumont Base  Junkers
 Rugen Station  Daumann  LPI Huntsville  Police
System Omega-41  LPI Sugarland  Police
 Freeport 5  Zoners  Planet Houston  Police
 Leon Base  Corsairs
System Omega-5
 Cadiz Base  Corsairs
 Ronneburg Base  Hessians

Special Recognition to ais from: http://www.lancersreactor.com/t/