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The Hartfords Dual Heros
Back Story

Curious about what is planned for the 2002-03 season here are some hints.

The formative years...

On this page we'll describe the background of both series: the successes and failures, the joys and sorrows.

Angelus was created by Darla, who was created by the master.  Due to differences in basic behaviour beliefs they broke with the master and struck out on their own. They lived the high life and cut a swath of death across the known world. Angel then drove Drusila insane before turning her, who in turn chose and turned Spike, William the bloody. Darla surprised Angelus one night by bringing him a "gift", a Gypsie girl, actually a princess, on which to feed. The gypsie's family reacted by cursing Angelus with a soul, effectively forcing him to turn to good.


Angelus then became Angel and began to roam aimlessly in search of a way to make ammends for his Evil deads.  It was at this time the "Powers that Be" sent a demon, in their service, to lead him to his first sighting of Buffy as she left class for the day and encountered her first watcher, Marik, for the first time.  At that moment she became his sole purpose for existence and only hope of redemtion.  He followed her to Sunnydale and was always close at hand and in heart after their first meeting in episode 1 season 1.
Buffy had been just another cheerleader, all around most popular high school girl until her first fateful meeting with Marik.  From that moment on her life became a never ending struggle with the forces of Evil, or just plain stupidity--Not a shot at 3 male, fellow students/'Supervillians' at all.  After burning down the Gymnasium at her LA high school she was expelled and unacceptable in any local high schools, then her parents divorced and she was moved to dreary old Sunnydale.  Being from LA she was automatically accepted into the "in crowd" under Cordy's suggestion, at least until the 'Slayer' heritage caught up to her.  After showing a soft spot for extremly shy and unpopular Willow and her best friend/secret crush Xander and nearly staking Cordy her social life was relegated to "outcast".  Under the watchful eye of her new Watcher Giles, and with the aid of the 'Scooby gang', she began her Slaying with a new zest and fierce devotion, so long as it didn't interfere with her social calender.  The core of the Soobies has always been Willow and Xander but has included: Oz, Cordy, Tara, Anya, Reily, Dawn, Spike, Wesley, & Jenny Calendar.  And of course Faith & Kendra-more fellow Slayers than Scooby members granted but it is Buffy's show so they get listed here!

At a Glance

Buffy Summers
Date of Birth: 1981
Decessed: 1996, 2001
Education: High School Graduate, Dropped out of College
Family History: Parents divorced, Mother deceased, Father absentee, 1 Sister--of mystical origin.
Professional Role: The Slayer

Date of Birth: 
Turned: 1753
Place of Birth: Ireland
Professional Role: Private Investigator/Champion

Rupert Giles
Date of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth: England
Professional Role: Watcher/Co-owner of the Magic Box

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: England
Professional Role: Ex-Watcher/Ex-head of Angel Investigations/unemployed/Once again joined Angel and became the head of a department of Wolfram and Hart under Angel's "control".

Willow Rosenberg
Date of Birth: 1982
Place of Birth: Sunnydale,CA
Professional Role: Witch/Student

Alexander A.K.A. Xander
Date of Birth:  1981/82
Place of Birth: Sunnydale, CA
Professional Role: Construction worker
7th Season lost an eye to the Preacher for the Original Evil.

Anyanka A.K.A. Anya
Date of Birth: 1124+ years past
Date of Death: Final Episode to save Andrew
Place of Birth: Unknown
Professional Role: Co-owner of the Magic Box/Former Demon-then Human-then Demon-died Human
Gilted at the Alter by Xander-returning to the demon ranks.

Date of Birth: November 1980
Decessed: 2002
Place of Birth: Unknown
Professional Role: Student/Witch

Date of Birth: 1880 (Sired by Drusilla)
Given a Soul: 2002
Place of Birth-Sired: London, England
Professional Role: Ex-Poet/Vampire/Champion
Buffy until series finale where he sacrificed himself to save Buffy and the World.
Then moved to Angel as a ghost then Champion.